Building web applications broken after uninstalling VS2013

I ‘m no longer using VS2013, so i decided to uninstall it. I’ve been using VS2015 for more than a year now, so it made sense to clean up my workstation. After uninstalling, I got the following error when building web applications with MSBuild: error MSB4019: The imported project «C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets» was not found. […]

Simulating remote web services for testing

I recently had to troubleshoot an error in an integration with a 3rd party system. We were fetching changesets over a web service, and somehow ended up with errors in the database. The error rate was just a few errors for every 1000 elements, so this required quite a bit of effort to figure out, […]

Bringing my git-ignore settings with me

Since I’m working a lot of different places, and on quite a few different computers, I need to reconfigure my git-ignore settings every now and then. To manage my settings, I’ve put my git excludes in my Dropbox folder. This gives med the added advantage that all ignore settings are automatically syncronized between computers. This […]

An adventure in XCode and Cocoa

Since I haven’t learned a new language in a while, I wanted to try something new. Next stop Cocoa Mac and XCode. It took quite a while to figure out how the Interface Builder and XCode worked together, but I’ll try to give a quick explanation: First I created a new Application, and XCode created […]

Using my Squeezebox Remote for traffic information

I have a Squeezebox Duet, which is great for playing music. But I knew that the remote control was an embedded system running Linux. It’s sitting in it’s charger right next to me during breakfast, and I’ve been thinking about whether it would be possible to use it to check when my bus is coming. […]

Using Visual Studio Find and Replace for language transformations

Sometimes I need to create code from data, normally to create scripts for deployment to multiple environments. Since this often is a one time job, it makes no sense to make or buy a tool for doing this. Being a former Perl-programmer, I have a powerful tool in my toolbelt: regex. This is a real […]

Oracle and HTTP_PROXY

I’ve been working with Oracle lately. I’ve installed a local instance of Oracle XE to use while developing to make it easier for me to test NHibernate Mappings and Fluent Migrator (which is a really nice product, there will be a blog post about it someday). Anyway, I’ve had all sorts of strange errors happen […]

Mass converting video files using powershell and handbrake

Update 26.10.2011: Doug made me aware of some errors in the script, and I’ve updated the script. I’ve also added a section on Power Shell execution policy to allow running this from a ps1-script. I’ve been recording the life of my family for a few years, and that has resulted in almost 1000 video files. […]

Profilling to the rescue

I was recently asked to to a performance review of a solution my colleagues have  been working on for the last year. It’s quite large, about 60 Visual Studio-projects. I was told that a certain form was particularly slow, but I was uncertain how to start reviewing the problem. So I started the application and […]

Getting new members on the team

When you are doing software development on larger projects that has been running for a while, it’s inevitable that the staff will change. These people, no matter how experienced they are, will need some training to understand the project. How to train these people has been a challenge that I’ve never really solved. I’ve been […]